Dyslexia Research Institute Advocating for Students with Disabilities

Florida: A First in Providing Choice to Students with Disabilities
In 2000 Florida Statue 1002.39 was established. This is the John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program which allows parents of children with disabilities to attend alternate public or private school programs of their choice.
For the first time in Florida’s history, parents who have children with disabilities have the choice to remain in the public school or to receive a scholarship to attend a private school of choice. The program began with 6 children and 3 schools participating in 2000 and has grown to over 9,000 children and 500 schools participating in 2002.
Dr. Patricia K. Hardman, director of Dyslexia Research Institute, was an integral part in crafting the bill with Senator John McKay’s office. Since the program has been established in Florida, DRI has sponsored a seminar for private schools that are involved in the McKay Scholarship Program. DRI helped to establish The Coalition of McKay Scholarship Schools which is dedicated to making the McKay program remain viable for student with disabilities.
In the third year of its inception, Florida’s Senate President Jim King has appointed a task force to examine accountability for the McKay Scholarship Program. Dr. Hardman, representing both DRI and the Coalition, has been appointed to this task force.
Dr. Hardman was also invited to The Cato Institute in Washington to participate on a panel (which was web-casted) discussing with other state leaders the effects of the McKay Scholarship Program. The McKay Scholarship Program is being reviewed and suggested as a national model.
Check our Links Page for more information concerning the McKay Scholarship Program and The Coalition of McKay Scholarship Schools.