National Associastion For Adults With Special Learning Needs Great Conferences Plan To Attend The 2004 Conference In Tampa, FL

The National Association for Adults with Special Learning Needs (NAASLN) is an association for educators, trainers, and employers of adults with all types of special learning needs. Robyn A. Rennick is the Vice-president of NAASLN.
NAASLN held its annual conference in Columbus, OH, in March. Over 300 participated in the conference that hosted 60 sessions covering an array of topics such as
Emotions! Meeting the REAL Needs of Persons with Disabilities
Mental Health and Biochemical Challenges that Hide Beneath the Surface of LD
Supporting Persons with special Needs in Employment
A Model Literacy Program for Dyslexia/ADD/SLD Adults
Best Practices to Instruct Adults with Visual and Hearing Impairments
Substance Abuse: Understanding and Treatment
Robyn Rennick, Director of Teacher Training for The Hardman Technique, presented four sessions at the conference. Her topics were: “MSLE: More Tan Theories – Practical and Accredited Curriculum for the Dyslexic/ADD/SLD Learner”; “Don’t Tell Me How to Study, Teach Me How”; A Model Literacy Program for Dyslexia/ADD/SLD Adults; and “They Didn’t Grow Out of It (dyslexia/ADD/SLD) Just Because They Grew Taller”.
NAASLN’s 2004 Conference will be held in Tampa, FL next March. Go to for more information